Here Sits His Ignominy

I’m pleased to announce my new story Here Sits His Ignominy in Breathe FIYAH (an anthology of flash fiction produced in collaboration between FIYAH and Tor)
Flash fiction has been one of those categories that I’ve squinted at from afar with suspicion, because how well can you tell a good story in so few words? But when I saw the call for this anthology, and its accompanying prompt, I decided why the hell not?
I traveled 500 years into the past, and rewrote history with a single letter, creating a new timeline in which we did not lie prone and helpless but came swinging with the wrath of the gods. And damn it if I don’t want to live in this world for the rest of time.
You can read it here. Do check out the other stories. They are (pun intended) fiyah!